If you are a federal employee, former federal employee, or have applied for federal employment, you can file a claim of a prohibited personnel practice with OSC by completing what is called “Form 11.” You can file your Form 11 online or you can download and fax it to 202-653-0015. Completed forms can also be mailed to:
U.S. Office of Special Counsel
Complaints Examining Unit
1730 M St. N.W., Suite 218
Washington, D.C., 20036-4505
Some people prefer to answer the questions on Form 11 by using a separate letter or document. While this method is acceptable, it is important that you include an otherwise blank but signed copy of Form 11. Regulations stipulate that OSC cannot review or consider a complaint without a copy of Form 11.
If you want to include additional documents or attachments with your complaint, you can send them with your original complaint, or wait until an examiner contacts you to inform which documents will be most helpful to your case. Make sure you keep a copy of Form 11 and any other documents you provide because you might need them for an appeal. Because of privacy laws, OSC cannot always return original documents for complainants. This is why it is important to keep any original documents that you may need and only provide OSC with copies.
At Pines Federal, we have been helping federal employees fight for their legal rights for over 20 years. Our lawyers are well-versed in the practices and procedures that are unique to the field of federal employment law. We have a reputation for being trusted advocates and have the skills that you will need to get what you are legally entitled to.
Contact our Houston federal employment attorneys, or call (800) 801-0598 to get started on your case today.