Pines Federal attorney Eric Pines will demonstrate his toughness in the hockey arena in April when he plays in the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS) Hockey Classic to raise money for cancer research.
Contributing to cancer research is a central part of our firm’s commitment to community service. We encourage you to help us support RCCS in its mission to make cancer care better and more accessible for all. As Eric says, “Together we can face off and finally defeat this terrible disease!”
More than 1.5 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States, according to the National Cancer Institute. Thousands die of the disease every year, and new cancer cases are expected to rise over the next 20 years. Cancer is not a waning opponent, and there has never been a greater need to contribute to cancer research, so no one is denied a chance at recovery.
Reasons To Donate for Cancer Research
No family is unaffected by cancer. Without cutting-edge treatments developed through continued research, many cancer patients would stand little chance of recovery. This research requires funding and a continued commitment from all of us.
In addition to the physical and human burden of cancer, some families cannot afford treatment without the help of organizations committed to ensuring everyone has a fighting chance. These organizations cannot survive without community support.
Mission of RCCS
The mission of RCCS is to tackle the challenge of cancer by:
- Easing treatment
- Paying insurance premiums to lighten the financial burden on families
- Making cancer care more accessible
RCCS fulfills its mission in four key ways:
- Insurance grant payments, which subsidize the insurance premiums for those who cannot afford to pay
- Medical direction, which helps connect patients with the best physicians and treatments for their particular case
- Insurance advocacy to help people whose insurance claims have been unfairly denied get the benefits they deserve
- Medical subsidy program, which provides emergency financial aid to help families afford the costs of deductibles and copayments
Without RCCS and its vitally essential supporters, over 3,500 patients would face cancer without much-needed resources. No one should have to face cancer alone. RCCS is committed to standing by each patient through every part of the recovery process, helping them fight and win.
RCCS relies on donations to continue providing its services. Events such as the RCCS Hockey Classic allow people committed to community service to raise money and play for a cure. Even if you cannot lace up your skates for RCCS, you can be an indispensable part of that cure by accepting our donation challenge.
Donate to Support the Cause Today!
Pines Federal is a federal employment law firm that is committed to helping our community. Hockey fights cancer, and so can you! We encourage you to support Eric Pines as he faces off against cancer at the RCCS Hockey Classic in April.